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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Achieve Incredible Wealth

Most people want to know the first step in acquiring massive riches. They want the shiny things in life and they want to know how they can get them. We seem to have such a yearning for material things, that we forget that those things are just rewards. Nothing more and nothing less. The way we achieve these things in our lives is simple. One word is all it takes. Love.

To love your fellow man inspires you to use your talents to benefit the world. To love your work, means to follow your passion and to know that your rewards will come in due time. To love your family means to spend quality time with them and to do the things you need to do in order to provide them with the things they need.

The real path to wealth is not through any book or DVD or self help program. It is simply to love yourself and the people of this world enough to strive to accomplish big things. Two of the world's wealthiest men, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, have pledged most of their fortune to support world causes. These men know the true meaning of wealth because they have achieved it and they know that it is merely a reward for thinking big and in turn taking big actions.

Incredible wealth is multi-dimensional. It incorporates more than just dollars and cents. It is simply well-being. To be fulfilled financially, spiritually, and emotionally. This is the true wealth that we are all seeking and therefore it all starts within ourselves and the love we have to give.

The bigger the picture that you can see inside of your mind will help you to realize that the world is just one big playground, meant for all of us to enjoy. You can achieve the results you want by focusing on yourself and in doing so you can create the strength that you need to give back to the world around you.

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