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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day Trading Forex Currency - Average Just Doesn't Cut It

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Your parents probably told you somewhere along the way, "Anything worth doing is worth doing well." In day trading Forex currency, it makes all the difference.

When it comes to day trading Forex currency, being simply "a trader" won't do. Being a trader is something anyone with a bit of money can do. All you need to do is open an account, deposit some money, then begin placing trades. Instantly you're now a trader.

The big problem is that the average trader either makes very little money for their time, or they are losing money. The 90-95% failure rate in trading is no joke and these people are failing and losing their money. Six-figure incomes are definitely NOT being realized by the average trader.

Now you certainly didn't get into day trading Forex currency to lose your money, strain your relationships, add stress to your life, or grow more gray hair. Most likely you were intending for something quite different. Like quitting your job, becoming your own boss and having control over your time, building wealth, and enjoying financial freedom that trading offers.

There is one distinction where the average trader runs afoul. The focus is on making money with every trade and the secret hopes the each one will be a big winner that sets them for life, because the average trader is looking primarily at the leverage in day trading Forex currency. When the 10% first found day trading Forex currency, they said "Indeed! The potential is here with this for me to enjoy a very nice living, build wealth, have the life I want and the time freedom I seek. I am going to become great at this because I see that the possiblity of a six-figure income is very real here."

The focus for those that make the six-figure income is to become great traders, while the average traders are chasing money. The difference in focus is on doing versus being and becoming. Who they become in the process is a significant result.

How they both approach the whole matter of day trading Forex currency is another difference. A business is any activity engaged for profit on a regular basis and this is the other realization. So when you started trading, you had opened your own business whether you realized it or not. Your business has been started in rather unique and highly competitive industry. The wisdom, "Treat your trading like a business" is one you've encountered I'm sure. Because a business is a business, not just a hobby, it needs to be treated as such regardless of the industry. The same goes for trading.

But if you've never started and run your own business before, then you've got no prior experience to relate to and fall back on for your trading business. Trading is a unique business with different requirements and unique challenges, which you know if you have run your own business previously.

For the business to provide a respectable, reliable and consistent income stream for the owners, in addition to building wealth and providing financial freedom and security is the goal of owning any business including a trading business. Owning, managing and running any business involves quite a number of roles, each of which has its knowledge and skill requirements. A successful trading business entails much more than simply opening a trading account, getting a trading system and then following it.

The 10% that realize the six-figure income, the freedom and the rewards that trading has to offer, realize that first you must decide that being average just isn't good enough, and that you must become both a great trader and an astute business person - in the business of day trading Forex currency. The average traders lose money and earn a dreadful hourly rate as a trader because they don't make these distinctions.

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